At this time of the year our thoughts of course turn to HOLIDAYS. What else? Family holidays, couple holidays, friends together holidays, but what about the going it alone holidays. Is it easy to holiday completely alone? I would say no, but maybe... You do have to be a pretty confident funky to stroll nonchalantly around the airport and do the same in your Hotel dining room when everyone is sat around in twos and fours. Then there are the trips, travelling on strange buses or trains alone with no one to share things with ( the language, criticize the food, admire the waiters, tell you you can´t possibly wear those shorts!) ) That´s the down side, but are you a player or a spectator? Alone you can go wherever you feel like, get up when you want even if it means missing breakfast, shop till you drop, see tacky shows ( why not?) lie on the beach and read a whole book, or spend the day drinking sangria in your new favourite place. If your idea of a fantastic holiday is monuments and history, scuba diving or water skiing, that´s fine! Suiting yourself is the name of the game here! Getting to know people who don´t know anything at all about you or your life, in itself has to be exciting at least! I have never taken a holiday alone but think I would love to do so. I know ladies who have and they have enjoyed themselves and often repeat the experience. Thing is, it could make you absolutely appreciate your family and be dying to rush back to them or deliberately lose your return ticket and make a bee line for the sangria and the shorts!!
Every moment holds the potential for you to think of a new option.
Barbara Marciniak.
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