June 26, 2011

Disenchanted Dame.

With all this talk about the fifities being the new forties for all of us and the fact that we tend to live longer because we are conscious of how important it is to stay healthy and thereby keep looking reasonably good, I was very surprised to see a job - ad for a well known department store, that apart from its childrens section, has an average customer age group of around 35+ The age required for the position of sales assistant was between 20 and 45. I was shocked, surely that could be increased by at least ten years. I am well past 45 yet I´m sure I could not only do the job, but actually enjoy it, if given the chance. I like clothes, I take care of my appearance, I´m used to dealing with people and I understand the importance of being treated graciously! And that has to be true for many women who want to get back to work and would love to be given the opportunity. Let´s not forget that not all of us have careers and professions.
When in big stores I often find myself being treated with boredom and disdain by the very young assistants who spend their time giggling between themselves and with a definite air of ¨ God, what does she want now?¨ if I have to ask for their help. There are lots of women who, when shopping are absolutely sure of themselves, of their style and what does and doesn´t work for them, but that´s not always the case and here is where a really good assistant comes in. How short sighted of these companies to disregard such invaluable resources that we funky50´s possess!

It is never too late to be what you might have been.

George Eliot.

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