November 03, 2011

Rainy Days.......

There´s something about the first real rainy days of autumn that plunge me into a semi meltdown state! The thing here is that we don´t get too many of them, one day it´s summer and before you can say umbrellas and raincoats it´s autumn and we´re looking out to skies that look like someone has crayoned them grey and dropped dirty water into the sea. I think that´s what does it - the sudden contrast and realisation that those long summer days are now long gone! Today is a rainy one and here I am messing around on facebook, drinking tea and eating things I shouldn´t, looking through recipes for biscuits and Xmas goodies, ( that I´ll be making in my dreams! ) rummaging around in a big box of photos laughing and remembering, watching TV until my brain is almost mush and peeping every now and then through the window to check on the rain. These first days of autumn always make me feel nostalgic for the rainy north of England, I blame it on thoughts by association! Rain to me means Manchester, Nerja is where the sun lives nearly all year round and when the sun is out there´s always somewhere to go ( or just sit and enjoy it) but in the teeming rain........
I´d love to say there are great smells coming from the kitchen where I´m baking yummmy things to eat but I would be lying to you, what there actually is, are dishes to be washed as I´m here writing this and have no intention of facing them any time soon! Tomorrow I´ll be back on track ( hopefully ) and out in the rain but for now it´s back to the tea and TV!!!!!

A life without direction is a life without passion.
Barbara Sher.

October 08, 2011

En Español.

Hola!!!! Empeze con este blog en Junio y este es el primer post en Español, asi que voy a explicar un poco de que va esto. Este blog esta dedicado a todas las mujeres que han pasado la gran 5 0, que segun muchos es la nueva 4 0 ( si - ja! dile eso al espejo a primera hora de la mañana!) Es mi humilde opinion que la edad de 50 o +50 puede ser un etapa dificil para muchas mujeres. No somos jovenes, pero para nada somos viejas, y precisamente por eso a veces estamos un poco a la derriba. Algunas tenemos que enfrentarnos a situaciones dificiles, un divorcio, la enfermedad o muerte de nuestros padres, los problemas de los hijos que a veces nos duele mas que a ellos! Todo esto se junta con los tipicos cosillas del fisico, que si tenemos mas culo, mas arrugas que un periodico viejo, en total, menos atractivas y con menos confianza que antes, y en conjunto nos puede llevar a la depresion o a la desesperacion!!! A partir de los 50 no es raro sentirse a menudo invisible, es como si ya ha pasado lo mejor y a partir de aqui todo es negro, aburrido y cuesta abajo. Yo no estoy deacuerdo con eso para nada, hay muchas cosas que nos esperan todavia y mucho que vivir y disfrutar, y aqui es donde entra este blog. Es un sitio donde podemos compartir opiniones , risas, experiencias y ideas y aliviar esos dias grises y llevar los 50 mucho mejor, porque nosotras lo valemos todavia, o no????!!!!!!!!!!

Envejecer es como escalar una gran montaña, mientras se sube las fuerzas disminuyen, pero la mirada es mas libre, la vista mas amplia y serena.
Ingmar Bergman.

October 01, 2011

Love and Us.

We can´t taste it or see it, we can´t go out and buy it and sometimes we can´t find it even if we put out a full search for it - but we still write and sing, dream, talk, argue and think about it, because women know a lot about LOVE. It´s woven into the essence of our existence. The basic nature of women is to be generous with it and even offer it to those who least deserve it. Our strength and capacity to give love, to nurture and protect, makes the world go round and our unique energy flows through the genes of our daughters and grandaughters. Clarissa Pinkola says that ¨ the modern woman is a blur of activity....pressured to be all things to all people¨ That´s where we are - teacher, nurse, cook, lawyer, friend, lover, we spread ourselves thinly while smiling and scheming to hold it all together, through the ever changing commotion of life and we do it with devotion and enthusiasm. We are strong. We become the parents of our parents, we send our sons to war, we educate our daughters to be who they deserve to be.We forgive the unforgivable and start over. The love we cherish of our family and friends is the kindly gardener we need to water our souls.
A Sioux village wise man tells the story of how, even when the warriors have fled, the village is not lost until its women lay down to die. I love that, it says it all. Wherever we are, upfront or behind the scenes, a step ahead or three paces behind, wearing a bonnet or a burkha, women will keep doing what we do - because we do it out of love.

There is a story not found in history books, it can only be heard, listening to the whispers of women.
Rosa Montero.( Translated)

September 23, 2011

The Perfect Partner would.....................

This post was published in September on Melissa Blake´s award winning blog ¨So about what I said¨

have a neat goatee, not snore. always answer the phone,plan surprise shopping trips, sing to me when I need cheering up, never leave letters unopened, love walking, not only be a fantastic cook but a great clearer upper, support ALL my wild ideas and pretend to be interested in them, be the first on the dance floor, be in great physical shape - but no fighting for the mirror, close doors quietly, never watch films that were made before I was born, be a charming and funny host, love Xmas and all the trimmings, enjoy Luis Miguel and soul music, fix everything around the house without leaving devastation in his wake, always use the word WE, be ten years older than me, wear a diamond stud, know when not to give an opinion, have Charlie Harper´s quirky sense of humour, pay all bills without even telling me, know what´s wrong with the car or me with just a glance, stay sober so I don´t have to drive, work the Cesar Millan magic with dogs, never let a football match upset other plans, have Bill Gates grasp of technology, iron his own shirts ( and mine while he´s at it) try my new recipes and love them, not have a face like someone´s farted when a friend drops in unexpectedly, take weeks hunting down my perfect birthday gift, keep all tools in one place,have interesting hobbies that keep him quiet and allow me my space,buy the Sunday papers before I´m up, always diet when I do, assemble IKEA furniture in the wink of an eye,always leave me the last biscuit,never forget my favourite colour or shoe size, be decisive but not bossy and last but most definitely not least be the best thing that had ever happened to me!!!!!!
Soooooo, if you´re out there please get in touch, we´re in the last chance saloon here!!!

Love isn´t something you find, love is something that finds you.
Loretta Young.

September 18, 2011


Against my better judgement and in spite of all protests on my part we have a DOG again! When our last dog, Lola, died I made it clear (or thought I did) NO MORE dogs. My mind was made up, definitely no more dogs.It was partly because Lola was such a great dog. She could be left alone without destroying things, she waited to be taken out- no accidents, from the beginning she understood all that was said to her and she was even quiet.Neighbours would often comment on how quiet she was and we loved her. When she died we were all sad and I felt it was an experience I didn´t want to repeat. And then along came Sasha. It´s a long story of how my daughter met Sasha, but when she did, Lucia was determined to keep her. She wasn´t abandoned, just a bit forlorn. I´m sure her mother´s owner gave her away with best intentions but not everyone is up to coping with a super energetic puppy that grows by the minute! So there she was, tied to a lamp post waiting to be rescued. She was 2 and a half months old. Puppies can be cute and hilarious but they can also be a pain, being hurtled on when you´re quietly watching TV or lying in bed!! Just not on! Then the walking - first of all she wouldn´t, she just flopped down, we blamed the heat and took it slowly, now it´s cooler it´s a whole new ball game! Bicycles and motor bikes drive her mad - she bolts after them dragging you along, she has some kind of radar switched on for smaller dogs, she can sense them from miles away, she stands perfectly still looking in their direction and as they approach WHOAAAAAAA she´s off. I´m sure she only wants to play but some of them don´t look too happy! Her leads have to be metal chains, material ones just get chewed to death. When she drinks she leaves a puddle round the bowl which then of course she treads in, leaving footprints all over the place, it´s useless to follow with a mop, the procedure is repeated too often. She eats her food and then the bowl and continues hunting down any left overs. At 5 and a half months she can reach ALL surfaces so nothing on the table or work top is safe. It´s a case of now you see it - now you don´t! When she comes in from walking she greets us as if she´s been gone a week, jumping and flinging herself at everyone then tearing round in circles, swooping things off surfaces with her already powerful tail. She barks indignantly at dogs on TV and rushes from the room if the music is too loud. If the bathroom door is left open she slurps from the toilet - I know it´s horrific! I don´t know if I´m up to this all over again but the fact is, however adamantly you don´t want a pet, once its moved in, it works its way under your skin and into your heart and there you go - you´re sunk! So that´s all about Sasha for now, I´ll keep you posted on her progress - and its side effects! You can buy Valium over the counter- right?

Getting older and less wiser by the minute!

September 13, 2011

When Autumn Leaves...................

Autumn is just around the corner and I want the zing back in my step and the boots out of the wardrobe!The thing is that once the summer is drawing to an end, the holidaymakers have left us, the queues are less in banks and supermarkets, the children get back to school, excited with all their new books and stuff, I just get that feeling of anticipation - of a new beginning.I start to feel fresh after the slow, sluggish summer days.I look forward to the serious business of working, studying, exercising whatever - without the convenient excuse of it being too hot or too crowded. It´s time to get back into shape and that jogging routine (!!??) All the great series are back on TV, not just endless reruns because noone watches TV in the summer. I can actually go out with make up on without it streaming down my face after 10 minutes. Have fantastic long walks along beaches that are just for me, dogs and autumn walkers. It´s much more like new year than New Year. It´s a time for new resolutions and decisions. Everywhere starts to feel sharper and looks greener and clear, I even don´t mind the rain! Well not TOO much.
I am motivated with new ideas and plans ( that might or might not work out) much more so than in the month of January, I just don´t get that feeling after Xmas( it must be all the turkey and mince pies that leave me stunned till February) and anyway there doesn´t seem to be the same buzz in the air as there does right now, January and February have never been my favourite months anyway. When the air suddenly cools energy levels shoot up and I´m out there before 8 in the morning gulping it in and hopefully shedding a few of those summer pounds that have made themselves at home in very inconvenient places! So here I am sorting sweaters and socks and getting ready to sing in the rain!!!

Life is what happens to you when you´re busy making other plans.
John Lennon.

August 28, 2011


A few nights ago was BBQ night down on the beach. I love to be on the beach in the evening, it´s not crowded or too hot and you can just enjoy the moon and the sound of the waves.
Not really sure why but whenever a family outing happens, the Simpsons always come to mind.I see my other half as Homer, yes complete with beer belly!My youngest son is Bart, he´s actually a bit older but similar type and pain in the ass. I don´t have blue hair, bit it IS one of my favourite colours so any time soon..... But where was I.. Lucia, the youngest, wanted to take the dog, but she´s got American Stafford genes ( so the vet says) Lucia by the way not the dog- je je je! anyway this accounts for her constantly jumping up and down like crazy, so not a good idea, after some hassling she was left behind. Getting the BBQ in the boot caused a bit of a stir as someone just shoved it in - legs screwed on and all! This caused some swearing from Homer. There was a bit of a riffy-raffy when we did finally get to the beach about location of said BBQ. While unpacking there were some faint under the breath mutterings of ¨all this fuss for a few pinchitos on the beach ¨which I stoically ignored and proceeded to dive into the cool box for the ice cold beers and bottles of tinto con limon - and that did it! From there on it was all plain sailing (thank God for alcohol, that´s what I say! ) Homer graciously assumed his role as chief BBQerer, Bart helped out with the appetisers ( ate them all ) and Marge just concentrated on drinking the wine and enjoying the moment. There was plenty of everything for everybody so no more swearing and mutterings just a Motley Crew under the stars with the moon and the waves to themselves.

Oh I nearly forgot, we almost got fined for parking too close to the beach, but Homer waddled over waving his beer can and sweet talked them out of it!

Behind every great man there is a woman rolling her eyes.
Jim Carrey.

August 25, 2011

I Have Never..............

I have never shaved my head, been on a cruise, dated anyone famous, taken the holiday of my dreams, worn a wedding dress, eaten sushi, travelled on the AVE, won the lottery or anything else for that matter, been ambitious, taken part in a MISS competition, worn a wig, been on a jury,spent 500 euros on a handbag, forgiven myself for wrong roads taken, dyed my hair black,used a blackberry, been to the movies alone, had twins,stopped liking the Temptations and Marvin Gaye, forgotten my first boyfriend, learned to tango or play the piano,sent food back in a restaurant, had plastic surgery, told secrets I´ve been asked to keep,looked good in photos, regretted stopping smoking, been as thin as I would have liked, had sex with a woman, been the sporty type- tennis, horse riding etc...., believed in OVNIS, doubted I have a guardian angel,understood love at first sight or the stock exchange, been threatened at gunpoint,travelled in a yellow cab in New York, really been the mother my children deserve, changed a flat tyre, liked jewellery very much, waxed my legs, believed in coincidence, understood the reckless road of self-destruction that my youngest son travels along, cleaned my car often enough, forgotten Chataway Rd, drank beer or coffee, not been disappointed by the men in my life with the exception of my eldest son who I admire immensely and who is a credit to himself and himself alone, liked ironing or cleaning windows, made trifle as often as I should, known a couple so dedicated to each other as my parents, liked or understood cricket or Prince Charles, ceased to be amazed at how beautiful and clever my grandchildren are and whoever they become hope they think of me with a smile, stopped being impatient and shouting very loud when mad, minded travelling by bus, forgotten a Xmas Eve walking hand in hand in the dark with the snow scrunching under my feet, understood what men find so fascinating about football, EVER taken for granted the unspoken forgiveness of my two older children, thank you, I love you both, camped in a tent, wanted to be a nurse, been hard to please and I could go on and on........ so do we really LIVE our lives or are we just the result of circumstance and random events that make us up and carry us along?

Forgive many things in others, nothing in yourself.

July 19, 2011

Positive thinking

When you are in your funky 50´s it´s not unusual ( to be loved by anyone, no - seriously ) to look back and review decisions made and choices taken along the way. If you are very lucky and extremely clever you will have no regrets whatsoever, in which case stop reading and smile smugly!
Even if some of the moves you have made have not been the correct ones, is it a good idea to dwell on these things? Should we let the past throw a dark shadow over the present? The problem about things that have gone before is that there is absolutely nothing you can do to change them. Hell, you can´t even take back something you said five minutes ago, never mind twenty years ago! Living with regret or guilt and looking to lay the blame is soul destroying and sad. It´s especially sad because it holds you back with negative thoughts and prevents true joy in present circumstances from shining through. We grow physically ( not always exactly in the way we had in mind!) but I´m sure we don´t grow emotionally unless we try really hard to understand why we did this, said that, behaved that way, made that decision and at the same time remember we were different people then and at that precise moment it seemed just right. The hardest thing but the best thing we can do is forgive ourselves and others for all those wrong moves, not forget them,
but file them away in a very DEEP recess and look forward flooded with positive thoughts and energy, belief and a determination to change, not take our thoughts so seriously and focus on all the great things that can still happen! Perhaps the best decisions are yet to be made!!

If might have beens were kings and queens then we´d have kingdoms all.
Unknown author.

July 05, 2011


Have we women put our foot in it and spoilt it for ourselves with our endless quest for equality?
Was it so bad to let men go out into the world and do the bread winning while we stayed at home doing what we wanted? Yes I know you´re thinking of housework and cooking, but be honest wasn´t there always time for oneself! We´ve gone on and on about it so much that now we´re EXPECTED to do everything, which can be very unsatisfactory at times. Can men deal with strong minded independent women? Do they still yearn for the fluffy feminines who hang on to their every word, rather than the challenging go getters who criticise and dismiss their ideas with a brisk ¨don´t be ridiculous ¨ Have we made men feel insecure? Many women feel suffocated with all the demands of the lives they lead and therefore tend to be impatient with partners. Are we expecting too much of the poor things? Men are often bewildered by hysterical outbursts when their only crime (as they see it) is not remembering to buy the bread. Women are by nature multi-taskers, men generally are not. Are the roles slowly changing? Are we the ones with purpose and direction and are they secretly enjoying it, staying in the background letting us get on with it? Will this all blow up in our funky faces? Is there going to be a price to pay? Will they be turning to us for endless support, constantly needing reassurance and hugs?
Will we become ¨blokes with breasts¨ is that how they will eventually see us? Well we´ve only got ourselves to blame, who said - Be careful what you wish for, you might just get it!

Judge your success by what you had to give up to get it.

The Dalai Lama.

July 01, 2011


I have just sat down here with nothing special in mind. I´ve been told to write whatever comes to mind. Well what comes to mind at the moment is that the heat is intense for the first of July and although I always say I love summer I seem to forget clothes sticking to you and the sweat pouring down your face at all times! Apart from that it´s great. The nights are the best, last night I went to a Flamenco show in a bar just a few paces from the beach, the soft velvety breeze and the smell of the sea so close, I could have stayed all night. I love to watch flamenco dancing and the girls last night were pretty good. The costumes, the music, the clapping and the sheer passion of the dancers, it´s noisy and wild and very difficult to do. I know this because I have taken dancing classes and have really enjoyed it, but it´s not as easy as it looks (like most things in life !) Another thing I love about summer is icy cold champagne on my balcony as night falls. I don´t have a fantastic sea view, but the view of a very busy street with bars and people everywhere and I´m quite happy with that as it passes the time in a quiet, nosy way! The town is starting to fill up with holiday makers, the shops are full, there is nowhere to park and groups of teenagers ( and not so teenagers ) sing loudly at four in the morning making sleep difficult.
O the joys of summer! I love it!

Dream as if you´ll live for ever. Live as if you´ll die today.
James Dean.

June 26, 2011

Disenchanted Dame.

With all this talk about the fifities being the new forties for all of us and the fact that we tend to live longer because we are conscious of how important it is to stay healthy and thereby keep looking reasonably good, I was very surprised to see a job - ad for a well known department store, that apart from its childrens section, has an average customer age group of around 35+ The age required for the position of sales assistant was between 20 and 45. I was shocked, surely that could be increased by at least ten years. I am well past 45 yet I´m sure I could not only do the job, but actually enjoy it, if given the chance. I like clothes, I take care of my appearance, I´m used to dealing with people and I understand the importance of being treated graciously! And that has to be true for many women who want to get back to work and would love to be given the opportunity. Let´s not forget that not all of us have careers and professions.
When in big stores I often find myself being treated with boredom and disdain by the very young assistants who spend their time giggling between themselves and with a definite air of ¨ God, what does she want now?¨ if I have to ask for their help. There are lots of women who, when shopping are absolutely sure of themselves, of their style and what does and doesn´t work for them, but that´s not always the case and here is where a really good assistant comes in. How short sighted of these companies to disregard such invaluable resources that we funky50´s possess!

It is never too late to be what you might have been.

George Eliot.

June 24, 2011

Going Solo

At this time of the year our thoughts of course turn to HOLIDAYS. What else? Family holidays, couple holidays, friends together holidays, but what about the going it alone holidays. Is it easy to holiday completely alone? I would say no, but maybe... You do have to be a pretty confident funky to stroll nonchalantly around the airport and do the same in your Hotel dining room when everyone is sat around in twos and fours. Then there are the trips, travelling on strange buses or trains alone with no one to share things with ( the language, criticize the food, admire the waiters, tell you you can´t possibly wear those shorts!) ) That´s the down side, but are you a player or a spectator? Alone you can go wherever you feel like, get up when you want even if it means missing breakfast, shop till you drop, see tacky shows ( why not?) lie on the beach and read a whole book, or spend the day drinking sangria in your new favourite place. If your idea of a fantastic holiday is monuments and history, scuba diving or water skiing, that´s fine! Suiting yourself is the name of the game here! Getting to know people who don´t know anything at all about you or your life, in itself has to be exciting at least! I have never taken a holiday alone but think I would love to do so. I know ladies who have and they have enjoyed themselves and often repeat the experience. Thing is, it could make you absolutely appreciate your family and be dying to rush back to them or deliberately lose your return ticket and make a bee line for the sangria and the shorts!!

Every moment holds the potential for you to think of a new option.
Barbara Marciniak.

June 21, 2011

Adjust or Bust!

Last summer I finally ditched the bikini and went for a sensible one piece (well not too sensible it did have sequins) although later on in the summer I regretted the decision as a wobbly tum looks much better if brown, by then it was too late to go back to the bikini, that would have been hideous. I haven´t decided yet which I´ll go for this summer, I am inclined towards the one piece again, some things are not for public viewing, especially due to lack of exposure they are now whiter than white! On a more serious note here, actually deciding to cover up, albeit just a little, was one more step for me on the realising¨ I´m not what I used to be¨path. I have never taken my health for granted although I have sometimes abused the body with favourite food and drink. I am especially fond of champagne though it´s not a wise choice for the waistline or the head the morning after.Apart from these occasional failings I´m on it. During our 20´s and 30´s we seem to manage anything, eat, drink whatever and whenever, go without sleep and function, cope with stress and just keep going but once you hit the big 5 0 you have to make adjustments if you want to storm into old age as a fabulous funkyfifty who´s still worth it should! It can be difficult to deal with at times, though. A friend of mine said recently that after a certain age women become invisible, whereas men very often improve with age ( yes ---life is unfair)We mustn´t let it get to us, a quick mental shake up and hold this thought - ageing is a state of mind.

Beautiful young people are works of nature, but beautiful old people are works of art.

David Foster.

June 19, 2011


How does a funkyfifty approach the issue of dating at a later date --as it were? At our age one would think we´d got it all worked out, knowing exactly what we want. But do we- DO WE? How many of us are guilty of repeating past mistakes? Falling time and time again for the same type?
Where do we meet these elusive males that we have always dreamed of? That always say just what you wanted to hear? That are always ready for fun, trips, shopping, serious drinking, doing the crossword, dancing till dawn depending on your fancy? Answer -- they only exist in your dreams! My experience of the male specie (did I spell that right?) approaching 55-60 is one of a type pretty short on patience with anything that doesn´t interest HIM, where we women talk US they talk I, disapproving of excess eating, drinking or dancing (unless they are the ones doing it) and all in all fairly LAME. If other types exist please get quickly in touch.
On-line dating gives you the advantage of being able to be how you want to be, outrageous and funny, witty and intelligent without the pressure of actual physical presence and crafty you, if you get fed up just hit the button!
I doubt that men on line mention hairy backs or baldness, and what should we avoid -sagging bottoms, flabby underarms? Appearance isn´t everything (snigger, snigger) but let´s face it if you don´t find someone easy on the eye - it´s difficult! (And things can be difficult enough!)
This brings to mind the experience of an aquaintance of mine who answered a date-ad and when they finally met (after a little confusion) his first remark was ¨you´re flat chested" to which she replied "And you´re short" The resulting mutual attitude was one of " Well sod you then"
Don´t let me put you off though, check this out
MOST matches are definitely not made in heaven, but on line - who knows?

Imagination is more important than knowledge.

Albert Einstein.

June 15, 2011

Costa Chit Chat

Summer´s in the air and time to think of relaxing somewhere sunny and fun, a place where you really feel that you are on holiday. If you have clicked on to ABOUT ME you will know that lucky me, I live in such a place.
Nerja is a beautiful town just around 50 kilometres from Malaga. Although it´s a tourist spot it manages to maintain very much its village feel. That´s down to the people here that never tire of arranging and taking part in all kinds of celebrations that are pure tradition and year after year they are celebrated with the same enthusiasm. There is hardly a month of the year that doesn´t have some kind of fiesta.
In June we celebrate the eve of San Juan with bonfires and bbq´s on the beach and July is the turn of the Virgen del Carmen who is carried through the streets and finally taken out to sea on her own boat, beautifully decorated with flowers and accompanied by a fantastic firework display. In August there is a three day festival called the Festival of the 3 Cultures, it´s held in the very nearby village of Frigiliana, only nine kilometres up the mountain road from Nerja.
If you click onto VIDEOS there is a video of Nerja and I have some photos too.
We are only a bus ride from Malaga and Granada, two beautiful, historic cities well worth visiting.
OK that´s it, have I sold you on the idea? Will you be on the next flight over?
Hey why not, maybe we´ll meet up one day, I always spend the summer here!!

Let Joy be your feelings,
Love your attire, and you will discover a mystical paradise
Here on earth.

Michael Levy.

Untying the Shrivelled Knot.

What makes funkyfifty ladies decide to divorce their husbands of 20 or 30 something years?
And here I´m talking about the WOMEN who make the decision and just DO IT!
A possible reason is that once the offspring are off out into the world and you´re left home alone with hubby dearest you realise you now live with a stranger. Those little things you found so quirky are now just bloody irritating and endless droning on about the Champion League is enough to send any funkyfifty who´s still worth it flying off the nearest balcony!
Economical issues and retirement on the horizon can cause huge cracks in the most solid unions.
Disagreements on how and where the next 20 something years will be spent is a startling wake up call for many happily marrieds.
But what if you simply feel you are being taken for granted and you have always made the excuse... Yes but deep down...... until one day in a sudden flash of pure insight it dawns on you there is NO deep down, that ship has long sailed!
My own current long term relationship has travelled a long and pretty bumpy ( well full of pot holes really) road. There have been some good times but now on reflexion I´m beginning to think the bad times are getting badder than the good times were good!
That´s probably an exaggeration and I´m mostly to blame, it´s not constant quarrels and disagreements, just a slow shuffle of getting on with doing your own thing and needing your own space etc........
What will eventually happen? Will I be one of those brave ladies charging alone into old age?
Deep down do I prefer my own cranky company? Is that what I really want?
If you have untied your own shrivelled knot and have never looked back or felt better - Ata girl!!
Let´s hear it, sister!!!

How many stars in your bowl?
How many shadows in your soul?

D. H. Lawrence.

June 14, 2011

You Don´t Need an Invitation to Your Own Life!

Well of course you don´t, but women worry and care about family and friends and sometimes the question arises-- Am I living the life I really want?
People who have the ability to live in the moment are extremely lucky, but what happens to partners and children? Is it selfish to reach a point where all you want to do is exactly what you feel like doing?
This gives rise to another very important question that can hit you like an ice pick between the eyes-- Have I still got time to live the life I really want? Can I take that first step?

All you brave funkyfifties who have had the courage to standstill and completely change direction forsaking all!! Share it with us!!!!

The past has fled, what awaits you is yet absent,
but the present is yours............

Arab Proverb.

April 28, 2011

Very First Post.

Hi to everyone out there and welcome to my blog. I´m not a writer and this is something completely new for me, so just humour me ! My idea for this space is that all us funkyfifties connect and look at all the major issues that concern us from every angle and point of view.
I know that they are issues that concern other age groups, but for women 50+ they are especially complicated, we no longer have youth on our side and have sometimes lost the zest of bouncing back, so maybe together we can lighten the load for each other.
Here I´ll just throw a few at you.
We´ll start with getting older and being reminded of the fact every time you look into the mirror-no matter that you only FEEL 28! what you see is proof of something else!!!
Coping with divorce at 50+ is so not like coping with it at 30+ you´re caught not only with your confidence sagging!
Teenagers from hell can cause any funkyfifty to lose it and perhaps I´ll leave this one as I could write a book on it. And some!
Job loss is a big one--loss of status and self-esteem. For many women it signals the closing of a very important chapter in their lives and adjusting to a new lifestyle, not to mention budget is extremely hard. If illness strikes it´s a lonely and frightening time, no matter how much support is on hand. Caring for old and ailing parents can be demanding and desolate if it´s all down to you.
But whoaaaa before depression sets in let´s turn this around!
Flip the coin and we funkyfifties are out there looking great and enjoying satisfying relationships OR our OWN company, top of the professional tree or looking forward to new ventures or planning a well earned retirement and what do I know?
Whatever the place you´re at right now, we are all daughters, sisters, wives, mothers, in laws, grandmas and friends at a very special time in our lives and I´d like us to share our experiences, opinions, dreams, disappointments, fantastic moments- all of it!
We are still very definitely worth it and we can be honest and helpful and hilarious for each other. From now on this is your space, whatever´s on your mind just unload here!

Youth has gone-
Fifty years is a long way to look ahead
But looking back it doesn´t seem any time at all!
What´s life all about?
Unknown Author.