August 28, 2011


A few nights ago was BBQ night down on the beach. I love to be on the beach in the evening, it´s not crowded or too hot and you can just enjoy the moon and the sound of the waves.
Not really sure why but whenever a family outing happens, the Simpsons always come to mind.I see my other half as Homer, yes complete with beer belly!My youngest son is Bart, he´s actually a bit older but similar type and pain in the ass. I don´t have blue hair, bit it IS one of my favourite colours so any time soon..... But where was I.. Lucia, the youngest, wanted to take the dog, but she´s got American Stafford genes ( so the vet says) Lucia by the way not the dog- je je je! anyway this accounts for her constantly jumping up and down like crazy, so not a good idea, after some hassling she was left behind. Getting the BBQ in the boot caused a bit of a stir as someone just shoved it in - legs screwed on and all! This caused some swearing from Homer. There was a bit of a riffy-raffy when we did finally get to the beach about location of said BBQ. While unpacking there were some faint under the breath mutterings of ¨all this fuss for a few pinchitos on the beach ¨which I stoically ignored and proceeded to dive into the cool box for the ice cold beers and bottles of tinto con limon - and that did it! From there on it was all plain sailing (thank God for alcohol, that´s what I say! ) Homer graciously assumed his role as chief BBQerer, Bart helped out with the appetisers ( ate them all ) and Marge just concentrated on drinking the wine and enjoying the moment. There was plenty of everything for everybody so no more swearing and mutterings just a Motley Crew under the stars with the moon and the waves to themselves.

Oh I nearly forgot, we almost got fined for parking too close to the beach, but Homer waddled over waving his beer can and sweet talked them out of it!

Behind every great man there is a woman rolling her eyes.
Jim Carrey.

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