September 23, 2011

The Perfect Partner would.....................

This post was published in September on Melissa Blake´s award winning blog ¨So about what I said¨

have a neat goatee, not snore. always answer the phone,plan surprise shopping trips, sing to me when I need cheering up, never leave letters unopened, love walking, not only be a fantastic cook but a great clearer upper, support ALL my wild ideas and pretend to be interested in them, be the first on the dance floor, be in great physical shape - but no fighting for the mirror, close doors quietly, never watch films that were made before I was born, be a charming and funny host, love Xmas and all the trimmings, enjoy Luis Miguel and soul music, fix everything around the house without leaving devastation in his wake, always use the word WE, be ten years older than me, wear a diamond stud, know when not to give an opinion, have Charlie Harper´s quirky sense of humour, pay all bills without even telling me, know what´s wrong with the car or me with just a glance, stay sober so I don´t have to drive, work the Cesar Millan magic with dogs, never let a football match upset other plans, have Bill Gates grasp of technology, iron his own shirts ( and mine while he´s at it) try my new recipes and love them, not have a face like someone´s farted when a friend drops in unexpectedly, take weeks hunting down my perfect birthday gift, keep all tools in one place,have interesting hobbies that keep him quiet and allow me my space,buy the Sunday papers before I´m up, always diet when I do, assemble IKEA furniture in the wink of an eye,always leave me the last biscuit,never forget my favourite colour or shoe size, be decisive but not bossy and last but most definitely not least be the best thing that had ever happened to me!!!!!!
Soooooo, if you´re out there please get in touch, we´re in the last chance saloon here!!!

Love isn´t something you find, love is something that finds you.
Loretta Young.

September 18, 2011


Against my better judgement and in spite of all protests on my part we have a DOG again! When our last dog, Lola, died I made it clear (or thought I did) NO MORE dogs. My mind was made up, definitely no more dogs.It was partly because Lola was such a great dog. She could be left alone without destroying things, she waited to be taken out- no accidents, from the beginning she understood all that was said to her and she was even quiet.Neighbours would often comment on how quiet she was and we loved her. When she died we were all sad and I felt it was an experience I didn´t want to repeat. And then along came Sasha. It´s a long story of how my daughter met Sasha, but when she did, Lucia was determined to keep her. She wasn´t abandoned, just a bit forlorn. I´m sure her mother´s owner gave her away with best intentions but not everyone is up to coping with a super energetic puppy that grows by the minute! So there she was, tied to a lamp post waiting to be rescued. She was 2 and a half months old. Puppies can be cute and hilarious but they can also be a pain, being hurtled on when you´re quietly watching TV or lying in bed!! Just not on! Then the walking - first of all she wouldn´t, she just flopped down, we blamed the heat and took it slowly, now it´s cooler it´s a whole new ball game! Bicycles and motor bikes drive her mad - she bolts after them dragging you along, she has some kind of radar switched on for smaller dogs, she can sense them from miles away, she stands perfectly still looking in their direction and as they approach WHOAAAAAAA she´s off. I´m sure she only wants to play but some of them don´t look too happy! Her leads have to be metal chains, material ones just get chewed to death. When she drinks she leaves a puddle round the bowl which then of course she treads in, leaving footprints all over the place, it´s useless to follow with a mop, the procedure is repeated too often. She eats her food and then the bowl and continues hunting down any left overs. At 5 and a half months she can reach ALL surfaces so nothing on the table or work top is safe. It´s a case of now you see it - now you don´t! When she comes in from walking she greets us as if she´s been gone a week, jumping and flinging herself at everyone then tearing round in circles, swooping things off surfaces with her already powerful tail. She barks indignantly at dogs on TV and rushes from the room if the music is too loud. If the bathroom door is left open she slurps from the toilet - I know it´s horrific! I don´t know if I´m up to this all over again but the fact is, however adamantly you don´t want a pet, once its moved in, it works its way under your skin and into your heart and there you go - you´re sunk! So that´s all about Sasha for now, I´ll keep you posted on her progress - and its side effects! You can buy Valium over the counter- right?

Getting older and less wiser by the minute!

September 13, 2011

When Autumn Leaves...................

Autumn is just around the corner and I want the zing back in my step and the boots out of the wardrobe!The thing is that once the summer is drawing to an end, the holidaymakers have left us, the queues are less in banks and supermarkets, the children get back to school, excited with all their new books and stuff, I just get that feeling of anticipation - of a new beginning.I start to feel fresh after the slow, sluggish summer days.I look forward to the serious business of working, studying, exercising whatever - without the convenient excuse of it being too hot or too crowded. It´s time to get back into shape and that jogging routine (!!??) All the great series are back on TV, not just endless reruns because noone watches TV in the summer. I can actually go out with make up on without it streaming down my face after 10 minutes. Have fantastic long walks along beaches that are just for me, dogs and autumn walkers. It´s much more like new year than New Year. It´s a time for new resolutions and decisions. Everywhere starts to feel sharper and looks greener and clear, I even don´t mind the rain! Well not TOO much.
I am motivated with new ideas and plans ( that might or might not work out) much more so than in the month of January, I just don´t get that feeling after Xmas( it must be all the turkey and mince pies that leave me stunned till February) and anyway there doesn´t seem to be the same buzz in the air as there does right now, January and February have never been my favourite months anyway. When the air suddenly cools energy levels shoot up and I´m out there before 8 in the morning gulping it in and hopefully shedding a few of those summer pounds that have made themselves at home in very inconvenient places! So here I am sorting sweaters and socks and getting ready to sing in the rain!!!

Life is what happens to you when you´re busy making other plans.
John Lennon.