February 09, 2012

Why Do People........

leave fortunes to the cat, cut their toenails in public, marry people they have nothing in common with, believe millionaire politicians promises, take drugs knowing how THAT can turn out, ill treat children, idolize football players, wear white around toddlers, become addicted to plastic surgery,watch horror movies, love to lie in the sun, hate to confess eating at McDonalds,join on line dating sites, not find it incredible that there is still no cure for cancer,cry at weddings, refuse to admit they are lonely,love to dance,hate going to the dentist, lie about their age, forget that when they were teenagers they didn´t listen either, watch reality shows, assume that every woman wants to be half of a couple,prefer chat rooms to night clubs, listen to fortune tellers but not their mothers,knit woolly garments for poodles,keep snakes as pets,not worry more about human trafficking, love ice cream, collect things and then never dust them, see casual sex as a crime, iron T towels, go to IKEA on a Saturday afternoon and are surprised it´s teeming, still get engaged, speed in the rain,exchange intimate confessions with strangers,love puppies but kick them out when they grow BIG, still expect women to do all the sacrificing,hate cleaning the oven, kill in the name of religion,love fresh flowers, change and grow but are unhappy when partners and friends do the same,still love Elvis, forget how difficult it is being a woman in a third world country,chew the end of pencils,see others for what they do not who they are,love pancakes with syrup,believe that we can abuse it as we please and still our planet will survive for ever, find it impossible to resist polishing off the biscuits once the packet is open,dream of escaping to the country in spite of having no inkling of what country life involves,love the feel of fluffy socks,spend Sunday evenings writing blogs like me........

What we do in life echoes in Eternity.

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